Supreme Court

Supreme Court DENIAL – Dems OUTRAGED

Democrats do not like to be told no, but that is the answer they just received from Chief Justice Roberts.

Democrats have Justice Alito in their sites right now, but Roberts cut them off at the pass.

After several high-ranking Democrats demanded a sit down with Roberts over the flags that were flying at Alito’s homes, Roberts told them to go pound sand.

Meeting Denied

If you missed the hubbub, two pictures of flags flying at Alito’s residence and vacation home created quite a stir.

First, there was a picture of an upside-down American flag at Alito’s home.

Then there was a picture of “An Appeal to Heaven” flag flying at his vacation home.

The left has tried to paint both of these as symbols of January 6, claiming that Alito was openly supporting the events that took place that day by flying these flags.

That, of course, is absurd.

Several Democrats then demanded that Alito recuse himself from all January 6 cases because of the flags.

Alito answered with a letter to the Democrats, outlining that he would not be recusing himself, and that was good enough for Roberts.

After a letter requesting a meeting to discuss removing Alito from these cases was sent to Roberts, Roberts declined.

This, of course, led to even more outrage on the left, with Attorney Elie Mystal posting on X, “John Roberts, again, has already spoken about Alito’s ethical failures.

“And Roberts is IN FAVOR of the corruption, not against it.”

Political analyst David Rothkopf added, “Roberts is every bit as bad as Alito and [Supreme Court Justice Clarence] Thomas.

“He is an utter failure as a Chief Justice.”

Both of these comments are absurd because Alito has done nothing wrong.

This is all about Democrats trying to have a conservative justice removed so they can try to even out the bench that now has a 6-3 conservative lean.

And if you think this is bad, wait until Biden loses the election, then Alito and Thomas decide to retire, giving Trump two more Supreme Court appointments.

We are going to need a lot of safe spaces, my friends.

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