Since his installment it’s been a question of whether Biden has actually been in particular places.
Videos wondering about images outside the White House have been suspect.
A window might show one thing, but somebody who’s familiar with the area or done a search might know that it’s something else.
How much of this presidency is real? Biden is just a figurehead, a signature. He’s called Obiden for a reason.
Biden is just being a heat shield
Democrats can and have done whatever they want behind him. For the most part, the media protects him. Biden has shown classic signs of dementia at the podium.
A couple times Vice President Kamala Harris has had to unsuccessfully meet with world leaders. At least one world leader has expressed concern with cameras rolling about Biden’s health.
Biden pushed the COVID bill
Because it said “COVID”, regardless of what was actually in it. It turned out to help other countries rather than our own. You have a bill named one thing with contents having nothing to do with the name.
The mess at the border though has even sympathetic reporters wondering. They may be able to ask questions but a straight answer isn’t likely to happen.
Biden willing to speak to reporters for a moment
Or at least that’s the appearance. Just don’t watch the hands. Is Biden in front of a green screen? His hands go through the microphone.
Has he been granted access to all federal buildings yet? Shortly after installation he might not have had access to the Pentagon. He didn’t actually win the election. People are being threatened and paid off so they don’t rock the boat and expose that massive fraud. Those who watched the election that night are convinced we’re being punished for voting for Trump.