
Republicans Just Blocked Dems Sneak Attack

Democrats tried to replace aging Senator Diane Feinstein on the Judiciary committee but Republicans blocked it. Chuck Schumer, D-NY wanted unanimous consent for Democrat Ben Cardin from Maryland to take her place but Lindsey Graham, R-SC, said no. Graham knows what Schumer is after and it’s not altruistic. Nominees to federal courts around the country are on Schumer’s mind.

Republicans need to watch

Graham put it in black and white, “She’s a dear friend and we hope for her speedy recovery and return back to the Senate. With all due respect, my colleague, Sen. Schumer, this is about a handful of judges that you can’t get the votes for.”

By mid-February over 100 judicial appointments were confirmed. Joe Biden’s appointments outpace three previous presidencies.

Republicans standing in the way

Feinstein not showing up to that panel has slowed that down. If she’s replaced that could lead to a vote that requires 60 members’ support it in a narrowly divided Senate.

Prospects appear slim that even having ten Republicans join with the Democrats and Independents would happen. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said no to this effort. The GOP “will not take part in sidelining a temporary absent colleague off a committee just so Democrats can force through their very worst nominees.”

Republicans know Feinstein’s time is coming

She was hospitalized in San Francisco in early March for a case of shingles. She was hoping to return by the end of the month but when that didn’t materialize, colleagues thought it was time for her to retire.

But she’s not ready to quit. Feinstein asked Schumer to temporarily replace her til she can come back. Her absence is holding up that panel. They’re split 10-10 and can’t approve more Democrat judges til that’s remedied. Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin lamented, “I can’t consider nominees in these circumstances because a tie vote is a losing vote in committee.” Feinstein is 89. She announced early this year that she wouldn’t seek reelection.

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