Even a liberal-leaning outlet like The Hill can see that the FBI “finds itself standing on a thin precipice.” One “that seems to add a new crack each week.” Half of America doesn’t trust them. The conservative half. That’s why Gestapo General Merrick Garland recently declared all out war on deplorables.
Nobody trusts the FBI
There is a new poll out which says around half of America can’t trust the FBI as far as they can throw a fit.
Nobody has a problem relating a lack trust in the Federal Bureau of Instigation to concerns they’re “doing the bidding of one political party over another.” Rank and file agents call it a “disaster.” One of “unprecedented” magnitude which “could translate into an existential threat” to the Deep State.
As noted by the Hill, “millions of Americans have concluded that the FBI has been hyper-aggressive against Republicans, conservatives, and Donald Trump supporters while turning a blind eye or downplaying damning allegations against Democrats and leftists.” No bleep.
FBI Gets SLAMMED By Former Agents https://t.co/i6Et3XfbM3 via @Deep State Rabbit Hole
— Kilgore Trout (@Kilgore73862013) October 2, 2022
From “the Biden and Clinton families’ alleged pay-to-play schemes to Jane’s Revenge to antifa.” But wait, there’s more!
Political bias is only the tip of the Deep State iceberg. “The FBI has been regularly adding to a growing list of forceful arrests and searches of targets on the right that seem dramatically out of proportion to the alleged crimes being investigated.” All it takes to be labeled a domestic terrorist is for a parent to question their kid’s curriculum at school.
“Early morning residential door-banging by a phalanx of heavily armed FBI agents traditionally was reserved — and used sparingly — for subjects of serious violent crimes known to be armed and dangerous.” They send SWAT crews in to arrest grandparents on misdemeanor charges because they want to send a message.
"Nearly half of the country now has serious doubts about the FBI. Here’s why" (@TheHillOpinion) https://t.co/AsET5RjjQ5 pic.twitter.com/sjT6GDW0ja
— The Hill (@thehill) October 3, 2022
Little operational sense
Every agent in the FBI is totally aware that kicking in the door of a suspect’s residence is a dicey and dangerous affair which should be avoided at all costs. The only time a suspect is normally arrested at their home is when arresting them in public would likely result in wounded civilians.
The bureau bigwigs giving the orders ignored procedure, simply to intimidate the maniacal supporters of Donald Trump. Those who dare to hope they can help make America great again. That’s because America itself is a dirty word to the liberal left. They can’t stand nationalism since it’s counter to their one world government agenda. Borders are meaningless, they say. After all, we’re all one big happy planet. Brussels is calling the shots now.
That’s why the FBI has been using shock and awe tactics in “cases involving a dispute over documents, or sham Electoral College voters, or a diary belonging to the daughter of the president, or a failure to observe a congressional subpoena, or shoving someone outside an abortion clinic.”
The FBI spent forty years tracking Aretha Franklin.
This is what they spend our taxpayer funding on.
Our federal government is ridiculously out of control. https://t.co/sSNTmRqP7H
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) October 3, 2022
That, experts say, is not normal. Then again, Orwell’s 1984 was never intended for use as a textbook in social re-engineering.
“Normally, cases involving individuals who are clearly not violent career criminals or flight risks would be handled with a summons to appear or, if necessary, a safe, low-key arrest in a controlled setting.” FBI agents don’t like getting shot at by paranoid and well armed Second Amendment supporters who actually know their rights “Invasive searches were rarely a first option when a subpoena would more than suffice. Handcuffs were deemed to be ample restraint.”
As one agent explains, “During my FBI career, I never used nor saw used, with even the most dangerous criminals, ankle restraints like those allegedly slapped on one Trump adviser. Why arrest a Catholic pro-life protester at home when it’s established that he kneels to pray the rosary every week in front of an abortion clinic? Maybe the home arrest sends a better chilling message.“