Marjorie Taylor Greene Condemns The Justice System For…

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (aka MTG) lambasted what she called a “two-tier justice system” after government prosecutors decided not to prosecute both Stephen Colbert’s ‘comedy’ team and Democratic staffer Timothy Hysom for their activities outside her office.

Appearing on the “Just the News, Not Noise” television, Greene informed Just the News Editor-in-Chief John Solomon as well as cohost Amanda Head that it belonged to the “insanity and failure happening in Congress.”

“It’s mind boggling. You see Jake Auchincloss employees, his chief of staff Tim Hysom. Tim Hysom is the one Capitol Police caught on camera and arrested for vandalizing my sign, attacking my religion and attacking my gender,” she said. “But then that was the Department of Justice that refuses to prosecute him?”

Hysom, vandalized posters on the wall outside of Greene’s office in the Longworth House Office Building which espoused the existence of only two genders. Greene submitted an issue with the House Ethics Committee, though the Department of Justice decreased to prosecute Hysom.

“And then what did we have? Stephen Colbert sending his film crew into our office building,” she continued. “Instead, he was let in by Democrat staff and Tim Hysom and Jake Auchincloss’s office. And we’re also told by Adam Schiff, these guys came in here and again, the Capitol Police arrested them and removed them from our office buildings.”

Members of Stephen Colbert’s funny team on June 16 entered the Longworth structure to film for the “Late Show” and also rejected to leave regardless of duplicated warnings from authorities. Video clip footage revealed them posing outside of Greene’s workplace, posing before her door as well as holding up a puppet of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.

“We know who they were targeting, they’re caught on camera targeting me targeting my sign that says there’s only two genders male and female,” Greene asserted. “They were all coming after us and Stephen Colbert sent them, but yet there’s no accountability, and no one is being prosecuted.”

MTG went on to review her repetitive ask for security from safety officials following the several occurrences at her office, lamenting that the Democrat agents appear to get more comparable consequences.

“I do not feel safe. I’ve asked for protection over and over again, because of how many death threats I have,” Greene continued. “And the sergeant in arms does not give me protection like they do the Democrat women. So it’s a two tier justice system.”

H/T Just The News

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