
BREAKING: Temporary Restraining Order on President Biden

A lot of people are going to come through our borders next month. The feds have nothing in place to deal with it so states are having to do what they can. A temporary restraining order issued by a federal judge on President Biden is a part of that effort. Title 42 turned immigrants away due to COVID concerns. There are 20 state attorneys general challenging this administration over this, they need time.

It’s only temporary

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt announced that a federal judge had signed off on this order. “In a lawsuit originally filed by Missouri, Louisiana, and Arizona, our Office just obtained a temporary restraining order to keep Title 42 in place. This is a huge victory for border security, but the fight continues on.”

Judge Robert Summerhays of the US District Court of Louisiana approved it. “The Court discussed the Motion for Temporary Restraining Order [ECF No. 24] filed by Plaintiffs. For the reasons stated on the record, the Court announced its intent to grant the motion. The parties will confer regarding the specific terms to be contained in the Temporary Restraining Order and attempt to reach agreement.”

But temporary might buy time

For states to put necessary staff and equipment in place to deal with the flood of people. The CDC announced April 1 that it would scrap the order.

Both parties asked the administration to delay scrapping this. The border situation was strained shortly after Biden took office.

We still need a border

Some Democrats are on board with this. The temporary order is better than nothing. Their constituents can’t deal with immigration currently. Mark Kelly is one of two Democratic Senators in AZ, he said we need help, “Right now, we have a crisis on our southern border. Right now, this administration does not have a plan. I warned them about this months ago. It’s going to be, to be honest, it’s going to be a crisis on top of a crisis. I heard directly from Border Patrol leadership about operational challenges and discussed with them my concerns about the administration’s intent to lift Title 42 without a comprehensive plan in place. My focus is on ensuring an orderly, humane, and secure border process.”

Kyrsten Sinema, the second Democrat Senator, expressed similar concerns, “Arizona communities bear the brunt of the federal government’s failure at our border, so we’re stepping in and protecting border communities by ensuring the Administration works hand-in-hand with local leaders, law enforcement, and non-profits to put a comprehensive, workable plan in place before lifting Title 42.”

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