
The Scary Connection Between Fauci And The Clintons

There may be a spooky deep state connection between the Clintons and Dr. Anthony Fauci which would explain why he’s been such an outspoken critic of President Trump. It’s clear that he’s biased. If he’s intentionally using his position on the Coronavirus Task Force as a way to discredit the President – just enough to weaken Trump’s election chances – it could be considered treason.

A radioactive connection

To President Donald Trump’s supporters, it’s obvious that Dr. Anthony Fauci isn’t a Republican. The controversy grows with each snide remark. “Has anyone else noticed that every suggestion by Dr. Doom Fauci just happens to also be the worst possible thing for the economy? That’s not an accident folks. That’s Hillary,” Bill Mitchell tweeted. There could be a treasonous connection. “Congress should subpoena Dr. Doom Fauci’s phone records and see how many times he has called Hillary in the past 60 days,” he added.

Dr. Fauci picked up another nickname too, “Dr. Deep State.” After an infamous face-palm incident last week where his progressive conditioning overwhelmed the need to avoid touching his face. When the rumors started making the social media rounds that Fauci’s phone records may be subpoenaed to find out if he’s leaking inside information, it turned out that he’s been a member of the Hillary Clinton Fan Club since back in the Uranium One days.

It seems that Dr. Fauci and Bill Clinton both have an interest in HIV prevention. Bill and Hillary were especially interested in preventing HIV in Kazakhstan. An AIDS conference served as a convenient excuse to steal America’s uranium rights and sell them to the Russians.

The Clintons’ HIV Awareness

Dr. Fauci apparently has been a fan of the Clinton’s for a long time. In 2006, while Bill Clinton was busy laying the groundwork for the Uranium One deal, Fauci gave a PBS interview. Fauci was thrilled that HIV/AIDS funding had really started flowing. When Bill Clinton was elected, there were “more and more resources.”

The Clintons were a lot more open to helping, “readily and easily interacting with the constituency groups.” Things were okay under Bush but “there was great optimism as the Clinton administration came in that now the constituency groups were going to get everything they wanted.”

In September of 2005, Bill Clinton made a connection with his close friend, billionaire Frank Giustra, and the pair flew off to Almaty, Kazakhstan, allegedly to fight AIDS. Dr. Fauci would have been thrilled.

The Giustra-Clinton Sustainable Growth Initiative

Clinton flew to the other side of the planet allegedly to “help HIV/AIDS patients gain access to certain drug therapies.” The only problem with that is “Kazakhstan didn’t have an HIV/AIDS problem.” What they did have was, “$5 trillion in resources, including uranium.”

Giustra met with Kazakhstan officials and by the time they left, he had the mining deals in his pocket. The Giustra-Clinton Sustainable Growth Initiative was officially teamed up with UrAsia Energy Ltd. To make sure the deal went through, they had Hillary lean on the officials a little. She had to do a Biden and “withhold aid to Kazakhstan unless and until the UrAsia mining deal went forward.”

As soon as UrAsia Energy Ltd “was awarded Kazakhstan mining rights from Kazatomprom, the atomic energy agency for Kazakhstan,” they suddenly were listed as the “world’s largest uranium mining producer.” Giustra wrote a $31.3 million dollar check to the Clinton Foundation.

Eventually, Giustra sold UrAsia Energy Ltd to Uranium One with a “reverse merger” letting him keep “60 percent controlling interest.” He also made “a recurring commitment to donate $100 million and half of future profits to the Clinton Foundation.”

If Dr. Fauci is one of the Clinton favorites, its quite possible that he would be more than willing to take advantage of his time in front of the television cameras during his 15 minutes of fame in the crisis by sabotaging the biggest threat the deep state swamp dwellers have ever faced.

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