Kamala Harris murder scandal

Kamala Harris Murder Scandal Comes to Light

Kamala Harris has some hidden scandals from her time as a prosecutor in San Francisco. During her time in that position, she had the opportunity to deport Edwin Ramos after he was arrested in San Francisco.

Ramos, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, was known to police as being a member of the MS-13 gang. He had been arrested numerous times for a variety of crimes, including assault, street gang membership, assaulting a pregnant woman, and attempted robbery.

Many of these crimes were committed when Ramos was still a juvenile. Even though he was not in the United States legally, juvenile officials did not report him to federal authorities due to a city law granting “sanctuary” to illegal immigrants.

Harris not only declined to prosecute him in his most recent case, but there was also reportedly a “mishap” in communication, which resulted in Ramos being able to stay in the country.

Ramos paid back Harris’ generosity by murdering a father and his two sons.

These three innocent people were traveling back from a family barbecue, when Ramos mistook them for rival gang members and shot them.

The grieving widow and mother asked Kamala Harris to give him the death penalty, but she declined.


Looking into Harris’ record, this is not the only case like this. Harris also declined to prosecute those who had given significant donations to her campaign, clients of law firms she was connected to, her ex-boyfriend Willie Brown, and clients of her husband’s law firm.

The mainstream media has refused to report on these stories, most likely due to the effect that it would have on the Biden-Harris campaign’s chances in the presidential race.

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