
BLM Gearing Up to Skirmish in Denver

In the Civic Center Park of Denver, Colorado, anarchists are all decked out for a riot and prowling for patriots to skirmish with. So far, they aren’t finding anyone who wants to come out and play. Patriots don’t play. They’re deadly serious about defense though.

A tense night in Denver

As the sun went down on August 28, the Denver, Colorado, skies hung heavy with impending rain. The day’s peaceful social-justice protests were about to have their daily shift change. As evening approached, “a line of men wearing patchwork armor assembled.” They were well prepared for a rumble with “plywood shields, motorcycle helmets, bats and plate-armor vests.”

One 30-year-old communist who refused to give his name relates, “I’m here to protect my fellow comrades.” He’s not picky though. “I’m here to protect anybody who wants to use their free speech to say Black Lives Matter.” Anybody in Denver or anywhere else in America can say that phrase until they turn purple and pass out. Nobody will complain. When they pull out a hammer and go shopping for cell phones, it becomes a totally different story. The threat of repercussions hangs heavy in the air. After all, its hard to loot and burn buildings these days. “You know, after everything that happened in Kenosha, people have to be ready to be shot at.” Only 3 days before, Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men and shot a third in self-defense.

The anarchists were especially edgy in Denver that night because John Tiegen, “known for his role as a security team member at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi during the 2012 attack,” had issued a “call to action” to his 95,000 Instagram followers to counter “antifa and BLM rioters.” The thing on everyone’s mind out on the street after dark, as Wolfman Jack would say, “It’s all according to how your Boogaloo situation stands, ya understand?” Riots have not been breaking out there lately because looters are thinking twice, then thinking again.

Nobody wants to boogie

Even though Tiegen urged his fellow citizens to “come to Denver with helmets and body armor,” He wasn’t giving them the green light to go full on Boogaloo. He carefully crafted an Instagram post with instructions in the form of a call to a “book club meeting.” Just to make sure everyone was on the same page, he set the rendezvous point for “10670 Cabela Dr, Lone Tree, CO at 1745 Friday, August 28.” He further advised, “We’ll only be doing short stories tonight so have your pencils in your pocket protector. No long number 2 pencils. Bring your urban extra activity gear as well as library clothing we need to insure a safe reading environment.” He made sure to note “This isn’t a #UADF Meeting.” When he got back from Libya, he started a “not a militia” group called United American Defense Force. “We’re not a militia, but we are going to be a defense force and stand up for what is ours.” There’s a reason. “Radical groups funded by our country’s enemies have organized plans of even more destruction and violence in the near future.”

A “group of 50 or more men, many wearing camouflage and helmets,” headed toward the Denver 6th police precinct, “where officers had just fired pepper balls and tear gas to clear dozens of protesters away from a fence around the building.” In minutes, the amateur forces squared off in a parking lot for a verbal shouting battle which “reached a fever pitch.” Cops, actually allowed to intervene for crowd control, quickly jumped into the middle of the fray. “They fired pepper balls to push the main protest group back down 14th Avenue.” They politely asked the patriot forces to withdraw.

One Denver police lieutenant took some serious heat over that one. Nobody who respects the law and security is going to start giving orders to a man who was on the ground, saving lives, in Benghazi. What he did say is, “We really want you guys to just disengage and go back to your cars and call it a night, OK? Because we don’t want to have to take enforcement actions on you guys. We appreciate you coming here, and giving us support.” Americans are firmly behind the way Lt. Mike Cody handled that. Meanwhile, since they are actually given authority to enforce the laws there, at least for now, they would appreciate if patriot groups stand down. “To me their activity is just as troublesome, because we don’t condone vigilantism, we don’t want those two groups to clash, and certainly they end up diverting our attention from this other group,” DPD Division Chief Thomas explained. Not only did the Chief ask nicely, Militia and Patriot forces are Defense only. While there to back up law enforcement, like a generator for power in a storm, militia forces are meant to be the backup for when after the power is out, not overload the circuit and cause it to blow.

  1. Time to use lethal force if these terrorists do not obey law enforcement. Americans are fed up with this behavior and the violence. Better for them to suffer than decent innocent folks!

    1. After Trump’s election VICTORY, These groups will be designated domestic terrorists, as they should be. That will send the snowflakes back to mommy’s basement, leaving the hard-core Marxists to deal with. Until then, his hands are tied.

  2. Look, these groups are well financed and use logistics like any large group attacking cities. They riot and loot all night. Where are their camps? Where do they sleep? Hit those bastards at 6:00 AM and arrest their asses as the Terrorists they are. They arrived in leased buses, find these buses and disable them. They have support vans delivering projectiles and incendiary devices. When you see them arrive, disable and destroy them. And last but not least, find out where they parked any cars they came in and put Trump bumper stickers on those cars. Then watch them burn their own cars. Have some fun…..

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