
Biden Regime Official Sparks Anger: Pirates Public Charging Station

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm went on an electric vehicle road trip but an incident at a public charging station blew up in her face like one of those lithium batteries. It was supposed to show how easy it will be to make the switch from internal combustion. Liberals who already own one are furious with the way she considered herself so elite she could pirate a charging slot.

Breach of station etiquette

Granholm wasn’t even at the charging station. That makes the power grab an even more egregious breach of etiquette. Ordinary progressives had to put their lives on hold until the Energy Secretary rolled up to “fast-charge” some more go-juice.

She’s so important that she sent a staffer well ahead with a gas engine car to reserve a slot. Furious liberals instantly called the cops to learn how useless that is. There’s apparently no laws against plug piracy in Grovestown, Georgia.

The incident happened a mere 170 miles from where she started in Charlotte, North Carolina, and was the very first stop of the trip. Those with traditional gas powered vehicles blow past 170 miles without even thinking about finding a gas station.

For Granholm and her “caravan of electric vehicles,” the stop was a necessity. Since she’s an elite member of the Democrat ruling class, firmly in the heart of “white supremacist domestic terrorist” territory, she decided to stake her claim to a charger in advance.

An NPR reporter, Camila Domonoske, was along for the ride to cover the trip for her almost, but not quite, “state sponsored” employer. Her article came out long after the charging station incident and she won’t even admit when they went, other than it was “this summer.

She buried the charging incident at the bottom but it didn’t escape notice. She was out to get a glimpse “at the future of electric vehicles on the American road system.” What she saw is shocking but she didn’t cover it that way.

Baby on board

One irate family with a baby in the car was so cheesed off that Granholm’s staff was blocking the only open charger at the station with, of all things, a gasoline engine car.

The NPR article didn’t mention if there was any back and forth between the family and the staffer but most people believe there was probably some sort of “hey can you please move that thing?” interaction before they called police. If there was, the polite request didn’t work.

The way NPR writes it up, “Grahnholm’s squad had planned to ‘fast-charge‘ in the suburb of Augusta, Georgia. And that’s where things went wrong.” As soon as the Energy secretary’s “advance team realized there weren’t going to be enough plugs to go around,” they got creative.

One of four chargers at the station was broken, and the others occupied. “So an Energy Department staffer tried parking a nonelectric vehicle by one of those working chargers to reserve a spot for the approaching secretary of energy.” That, NPR observes, “did not go down well.

In fact, a family that was boxed out — on a sweltering day, with a baby in the vehicle — was so upset they decided to get the authorities involved: They called the police.” They may be obnoxious but “Granholm’s pompous staffers were doing nothing illegal.” The sheriff’s office “couldn’t do anything. It’s not illegal for a non-EV to claim a charging spot in Georgia.

The secretary decided to try a little diplomacy at that point but it was a little late. “Energy Department staff scrambled to smooth over the situation, including sending other vehicles to slower chargers, until both the frustrated family and the secretary had room to charge.” One thing the article carefully didn’t mention was how long it took to get the whole caravan fueled up at the slower station.

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