Tiffany Cross is out at MSNBC.
The controversial weekend host has been separated from the network.
Reports reveal that the network had grown frustrated with her decisions both on and off the air.
Bad Judgment
Cross got started as a fill-in for another controversial personality on the network, Joy Reid.
With the nonsense that comes out of Reid’s face, it is understandable why Cross thought she could get away with her extreme take on stories.
For instance, she once called Justice Thomas “Justice Pubic Hair on My Coke Can.”
She has also encouraged her viewers to “pick up a weapon.”
She stated, “It is indeed a war. And I have to say, they have won some battles… but we have to keep our eye on the war. And everybody needs to pick up a weapon and get involved because this is for the safety and lasting of the country.”
Cross also loves to throw the race card up whenever possible, but she appears to be the one that is racist.
If I were Joy Reid, I would start to dial it down a bit, as this could have been a warning shot that was actually meant for her.
IMO, Reid has said far more controversial things, but she is a far more prominent personality on the network.
It is far easier to fire Cross and get Reid’s attention that to hit that hornet’s nest right out of the gate.
Source: Fox News