Supermarket Company Wisely Aligned With Gov DeSantis

One business isn’t going along with it. Publix in Florida put out a flat no to offering the COVID vaccine to children under age 5 in spite of the Emergency Use Authorization. Spokesperson Hannah Herring said the chain isn’t going to offer this, end of story. The grocery store partnered with the Florida government to help with distribution efforts in 2020 and 2021. They still vaccinate older people.

COVID cooperation

Publix is wisely aligning with Governor DeSantis when he took his position on the EUA for vaccinating children under age 5. Some reported incorrectly that the governor barred private healthcare from ordering doses for that age group.

The Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo made sure the press and the Biden administration knew DeSantis didn’t do what he’s accused of doing. Ladapo said,

“FL never ‘reversed course.’ We recommended against COVID-19 tax for healthy children in March b/c there was no strong evidence of benefit. This remains the same for healthy kids <5. Providers have always been able to order vaccines. This never changed.”

COVID vaccine still available

At many places nationwide. DeSantis’ Press Secretary Christina Pushaw chimed in as well, saying the only reason people might have had a tough time ordering the vaccine is the Emergency Use Authorization hadn’t been granted yet.

Pushaw tweeted, “No state policy change in Florida. The only thing that’s changed was the federal government (FDA) issued the EUA for the shots today. Obviously, there must be FDA approval or an EUA for the system to process orders from healthcare providers. Retract your lies.”

Publix helped with COVID

The store has always helped with vaccines but it won’t this time. Vaccinations are still available for those 5 years old and older. The normal childhood vaccinations, including a flu shot, are also still available.

Ladapo recommended against the COVID vaccine to healthy children though. Florida was the only state that didn’t pre order doses of the vaccine recommended for children under age 5.

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