
Biden SNAPS at Rally

Biden recently stumped for incumbent governor Kathy Hochul while at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. He’s working on shutting down coal plants while we’re going through an energy crisis. He shut down the Keystone pipeline his first day in office. Alternative fuels are the focus, regardless that we still rely heavily on coal, oil and shale. A number of state economies rely on fossil fuel. This doesn’t help.

Biden snapped at a climate protestor

As he was ending his speech a climate protestor yelled something at him so he responded with, “No more drilling.” The protestor didn’t care for that response so she shouted back, “There are at least five more years of offshore drilling— in the Atlantic or the Pacific but in the Antarctic and off the gulf of New Mexico.”

There might be drilling going on that the president hasn’t stopped yet since he remarked back, “That was before I was president. We’re trying to work on that and get that done.”

Biden causing high gas prices

He’s doubling down on that climate agenda regardless that it’s caused fuel prices to shoot through the roof. The president’s policies have discouraged work on fossil fuels and trimmed refinery capacity.

Biden spoke at an event in Carlsbad, CA recently.

“I was in Massachusetts about a month ago on the site of the largest old coal plant in America. Guess what? It cost them too much money. No one is building new coal plants because they can’t rely on it, even if they have all the coal guaranteed for the rest of the existence of the plant. So it’s going to become a wind generation. And all they’re doing is, it’s going to save them a hell of a lot of money and using the same transmission line that they transmitted the coal-fired electric on, we’re going to be shutting these plants down all across America and having wind and solar power.”

That had to be walked back

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin blasted Biden for those remarks. Manchin is Chairman of the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee. A variety of viewpoints spoke up after that.

Former Trump White House senior adviser Stephen Miller said we’re continuing to move downhill. “No oil, no coal, no shale. Pennsylvania: a vote for Fetterman is a vote to send your state into a Great Depression.” Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted out a reminder that Democrats are hostile to oil. “Biden and Democrats are hostile to oil and gas production. I am running for reelection to keep Texas #1 for oil and gas. I will protect the good paying jobs in the oil field and keep America energy independent.” A meteorologist spoke up. Ryan Maue tweeted, “Um, that’s a consequential gaffe. I don’t think he was supposed to say that in public.” Actor James Woods reminded people of fuel prices, “Diesel is over $7/gallon at my corner service station. #Vote”

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