Mother BRUTALLY Attacked Teacher After She Disciplined Her Daughter For…

Following a discussion regarding a cellphone, a mother brutally attacked her daughter’s teacher by dragging her out of her car and beating her with a brick.

29-year-old Pittsburgh mother Dai’Shonta Williams is now facing charges in connection with the attack.

The incident began when the teacher, Janice Watkins, had taken the 4th grade girl’s phone due to school district policy not allowing phones in class.

The school called the mother in for a meeting, during which the girl had claimed that Watkins choked her.

It was after that point that Williams allegedly stated she was “going to get even.”

Now Williams and her boyfriend are being accused of following the teacher as she left the school.

When Watkins was stopped at an intersection Williams exited a vehicle and threw a brick at the teacher, hitting her in face, before continuing to beat her.

Following the attack, Watkins suffered injuries to her face and lost a tooth.

More details of this incident from Opposing Views:

When police found Williams after the assault, she told them that after she left the school, she went to a police station with her boyfriend to file a complaint against Watkins for allegedly choking her daughter.

Williams then confessed to following Watkins from the school and punching her in the street.

“I ain’t gonna lie, I did it,” she said, according to KDKA.

Williams denies throwing a brick at Watkins.

The president of the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers, Nina Exposito-Visgitis, released a statement condemning the assault and said no teacher should ever have to face this situation.

“Words are not enough to express my horror about the brutal attack on one of our own yesterday,” she said in the statement, according to WTAE. “Appalled, incensed and enraged are a few of the emotions I am feeling right now.”

Williams remains in jail on a $50,000 bond.

Both Williams and her boyfriend have pled guilty as a result of a plea deal.

Now, the mother is facing a minimum of two years in prison.

Watch the video report here: CBS/Youtube

Sources: OpposingViews, KDKAWTAE


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