
Her Father Is Music ROYALTY, But She’s Living In Her Car…

Everyone in life should endeavor to be successful and have money that they got thruigh their own merits.

Not saying that it doesn’t feel good to have something given to you as a gift, but there is just something about enjoying the fruits of your labor.

For example, throughout the year I save a little bit here and there. By the end of the year I have enough money for my wife and I go to on a camping trip to one of a couple of spots we rotate through for a couple of weeks.

I love going on that trip every year because I know that I worked hard for it. I get the feeling that if I had the money for that trip given to me I would feel like I hadn’t earned it.

Which brings me to the children of famous people. You seem to have a couple of classes of famous folks’ children. You have the people that are given everything and don’t have to work for a single thing.

Then you have the kids that are given absolutely nothing.

Lastly, you have the kids that are given a little bit to get started and then have to figure things out on their own.

If I were famous and had an infinite amount of money, I would probably not give me kids the entire world; just a tiny corner of it.

There’s a difference between letting them pick a couple of things from the store and buying them the whole store.

That being said, you do have to take care of your kids. Which leads us to music mogul Dr. Dre.

Dre has sired enough children to field a baseball team with a couple of relief pictures. He’s also got more money than some medium-sized towns. He also has a daughter named LaTonya Young.

The poor woman has been forced into homelessness and has been living in her car. She is a woman that despite having made some poor decisions in her life is trying to do right.

Her multi-millionaire father is also refusing to do anything to help her. Look, I am the first person to say that people shouldn’t give their kids everything…but this so called success should at least give his daughter something…

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