
Democrats Officially Turn on Biden [Details]

Leftists want Biden out now and Democrats are being pressured to vote against him at their primary because of how he handled the Israel-Hamas war. The liberal group Our Revolution emailed a press release to say it’s joining Listen to Maryland and campus protesters for a “Vote Uncommitted” rally when early voting opens on Thursday. Efforts for this movement have been brewing for at least a month.

The vote against Biden

The press release began, “The event will feature speeches by key stakeholders in Maryland’s peace movement, faith community, labor, civil rights and wider Democratic coalition, followed by a mass ‘vote-in’ where participants will proceed to the polling station to cast their votes.” They want aid to stop.

“Building upon the more than 600,000 uncommitted votes cast nationwide, the rally aims to galvanize support among Maryland voters, encouraging them to cast an “uncommitted” vote in the Democratic primary and sending a signal to the Biden administration to advocate for a permanent ceasefire and an end to unconditional military aid to the Netanyahu regime that contributes to the suffering of Palestinian civilians.

Earlier this month, Our Revolution officially threw its support behind the Maryland Uncommitted effort and has since reached over 70,000 of its members, contributing to the broader coalition’s outreach of over 300,000 Maryland voters.”

The vote against Israel

Early voting is May 2-9 with the primary being May 14. It’s the latest anti-Biden effort so far.

Pennsylvania had to write in “uncommitted”. The push is on to have that as an option instead of a write-in. Maryland wants to join Michigan and Minnesota that had 101,430 and 45,914 anti-Biden votes.

Wisconsin Democrat primary voters had the “Uninstructed” option. Over 60,000 Democrats used that write-in option.

Vote option

The sentiment remains the same regardless if it’s write-in or actually on the ballot. The Listen to Maryland organizer Anna Evans Goldstein said, “We’re urging people to vote uncommitted on the election on May 14th because the Biden Administration has not listened to the vast majority of the Democratic voters that want a cease-fire in Gaza.”

Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania signal major trouble for Biden. Biden won Michigan by 154,188 last election so if those voters stay home that margin becomes dangerous. Those voters could be swayed by other subjects into voting Trump.

The Wisconsin votes are a disaster. There are 48,812 “uninstructed” votes, more than twice the vote margin of 20,682 that won him the state.

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