We have all seen the outrageous conduct by ANTIFA members during the rioting that took place after the death of George Floyd.
Something that went unreported in many areas was the alleged murder of a politician during these riots.
The kicker… this was rioting that was taking place in Kashmir.
ANTIFA is a Terrorist Organization
There are plenty of politicians that will try to tell you ANTIFA is a movement, not an organization.
We say hogwash!
The attack in question took place in Indian-controlled Kashmir.
Local politician Rakesh Pandita was shot while visiting the town of Tral.
He would normally have police security with him.
However, on this particular day, he chose to go without the security team.
It was a decision that would cost him his life.
After being shot, he was transported to a local hospital, where he was declared dead.
An Islamic terror group that calls themselves the “People’s Anti-Fascist Front” took credit for the murder.
The ANTIFA group stated, “The cadres of People’s Anti Fascist Front neutralised a Fascist Hindu extremist Rakesh Pandit in Tral.
“This extremist was not only involved in creating a network of informers but was also involved in drug trafficking and other immoral activities.
“If the Hindutva thugs believe that their evil designs can take roots in Kashmir then it is a delusion of great magnitude.
“We have an eye on every activity of theirs and we will deal with them appropriately.”
An OP India blasted the murder, stating, “It is important to mention here that the murder of Rakesh Pandita had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with his religion.
“He was murdered because he was Hindu. The Congress party and other opposition leaders by accusing the BJP of being ‘fascist’ have provided terrorists with a convenient excuse to indulge in terrorism.”
The writer also claims that the fact that this terrorist group is claiming to be “anti fascist” is not a coincidence.
“It’s not just liberals in India that the statement is geared towards, it is also designed to appeal to western liberals.
“Western liberals claim that anyone who is not a fascist is Antifa.
“That is how they have justified political violence against Conservatives in the United States of America and whitewashed the intense spell of rioting by Antifa in cities across the country.
“Now, we are in a situation where Islamic terrorists have started calling themselves ‘Antifa’.
“The irony of the situation is enough to make heads explode in disbelief.
“Islamic terrorists in Kashmir wish to appeal to western liberals by the usage of the term and since, those in the latter camp are predisposed to consider every Hindutvavadi a Nazi, terrorists might even succeed in finding takers for their extremist ideology among liberals in the West.”
ANTIFA needs to be declared a terrorist organization, but that will never happen with Democrats in office.
ANTIFA is a Fascist Terrorist Network. While they claim to oppose Fascism, they themselves use one of the indicators of Fascists. That is, “Silencing any dialog that they don’t agree with.
ANTIFA, is the 21st century name for the notorious Stürmabteilung or SA if the Nazis. ANTIFA’a flag bears a striking resemblance to, the SA’s standard.
Antifa has killed people on the streets of the USA, one famously that they had hunted down on the streets of Portland and shot dead using a handgun, and they tried in Minnesota to kill the boy with the AR-15, that they chased and ran down and attacked and tried to shoot, but the boy defended himself with the AR-15 and killed one of the Antifa members and wounding another that was trying to shoot him with a handgun, and the boy defending himself was prosecuted but proven innocent, and there are many more in most peaceful protests that Antifa members turn into violent and deadly riots.
But Antifa is a Democrat Party favored organization, and none of them have ever been prosecuted for all their deadly crimes. Just more proof of the lawless Democrats who always protect their own, as the Democrats have instituted and use the USA’s “Dual Justice System”, proving that “Equal Justice for ALL” has been now made into a myth by the lawless Democrats.
Someday soon, the U. S. Congress must add ANTIFA to the terrorist list in America.