Pope Francis made a rather shocking admission.
The Pope admitted that Catholic priests and nuns are watching porn.
He encouraged a group of future priests to delete it from all their devices if they too have been watching porn.
He Really Said It
Pope Francis made the acknowledgment while talking to a group of seminarians.
The Pope told the group, “Priests and nuns also have the vice of porn on the web.
“Beware: the devil enters from there and weakens the soul.
“If you have them on your mobile phone, delete them.”
He continued, “It is a vice that has so many people, so many lay people, and also priests and nuns.
“The devil enters from there.
“And I’m not just talking about criminal pornography such as child abuse: that is already degeneracy.
“But of somewhat ‘normal’ pornography. Dear brothers, beware of this.”
The Pope concluded, “That, today, is the order of the day.
“And if you can delete this from your mobile phone, delete it.
“Excuse me if I go into these details about pornography, but there is a reality: a reality that touches priests, seminarians, nuns, consecrated souls.
“Have you understood? All right. This is important.”
Did anyone check the Pope’s browsing history?
Source: Fox News