I have to say, Hollywood could be one of the biggest threats against people today.
These people who play make pretend for a living seem to think they know it all.
As Jim Gaffigan found out when he went on Joe Rogan’s podcast, they actually know very little.
I think that is about what we will find out when we break down the latest rant by psycho Jamie Lee Curtis.
F’ing the World
Before I get into her comments, let’s keep in mind that environmentalists have been calling for the end of the world since the 1950s.
And if I am not mistaken, Greta Thornberg recently deleted a tweet because her end-of-the-world prediction never came true.
Which brings us to Curtis, who, during a Comic Con panel discussion, stated, “We’re f**king the world. There is a possibility of change, but we’re going to have to do it.
“It’s happening today!
“We are the hottest we’ve ever been in this country this week.
“I mean, talk about good timing. Seriously, we couldn’t be talking about something more important.”
I wonder if she knows we are showing some of the lowest carbon numbers we have ever seen right now.
She could probably care less about the facts because she is more interested in leading the woke world.
Case in point, Curtis’ son Thomas woke up one day and decided he is a girl named Ruby.
These people need mental help, not a microphone.
Source: Conservative Roof