
71 Year Old Veteran Takes Down Robber in Epic Fashion!

Some punk in the UK thought he had an easy target on his hands.

The younger man had gotten into a dispute with then-71-year-old Frank Corti, so he decided to try to rob his house.

Little did he know Corti was a former junior boxing champ and British Army veteran.

Based on the way this kid’s face looks now, I would imagine he will not make that mistake again.

Bad Move

Gregory McCalium had gotten into an argument with Corti before regarding noise during a party.

So this burglary attempt appears to have been an effort of revenge.

When he broke into Corti’s home, the old man did not back down.

Instead, he landed two solid right hooks to McCalium’s face.

His face looked like the sides of beef that Rocky used to beat on before his big fights.

Corti stated, “As I saw it, it was a matter of do or die so I let his wrists go.

“Fortunately the element of surprise was with me, so I adjusted my position and hit him with my right hand. It was just below the eye.

“I did not knock him out, but he was stunned. I heard the knife drop. We grappled.

“I was trying to drag him out of the back door. We both fell to the floor.

“I had to subdue him by punching him, which I did not take a great deal of pleasure in.”

The court gave Corti a job well done and gave McCalium 4.5 years for his failed effort.

Source: Daily Mail

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