
Billions Laundered To China Though NIH

The People of America need to rouse from the deep, dumb slumber we’ve been held in, all this time we have been sending our tax dollars to fund China’s biowarfare program, all thanks to The National Institutes of Health and Dr. Anthony Fauci for making it possible.

COVID-19 is simply a small portion of China’s biowarfare program, and it is currently a FACT given the unassailable clinical evidence collected that the infection was certainly developed in a lab in China.

Once again, “Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.” surprise us with another piece that would inform how the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funneled our tax cash to money China’s biowarfare program:

There is also an abundance of evidence that funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), specifically Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), contributed to that effort and U.S. government officials and members of the scientific community attempted to cover-up the laboratory origin of the COVID-19 virus and their potential complicity in its creation.

Judicial Watch recently received 1651 pages of records from the NIH revealing an FBI “inquiry” into the NIH’s controversial funding of bat coronavirus “gain of function” research, experiments that can lead to viruses that are “more transmissible or more virulent than the original organism or those that evade current detection methods and available treatments.”

The records obtained by Judicial Watch include an April 21, 2022 NIH email thread regarding “additional subawardees,” referring to NIH grant R01AI110964 “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence,” given to Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, a long-time institutional collaborator with Chinese scientists.

Ten facilities are listed, three of which are in China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Institute of Pathogen Biology in Beijing, and East China Normal University in Shanghai. A fourth, the Duke University-National University of Singapore is an institution closely linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

It is important to note, that Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance was the lead investigator on a 2018 research grant application to the U.S. Defense Department’s Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), which, quite literally, reads like a recipe for creating the COVID-19 virus.

Two of the other investigators on that DARPA application were from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Duke University-National University of Singapore facility.

The Institute of Pathogen Biology in Beijing, which, according to the email thread, was actively funded by NIH, is described as a site that:

“manages the human subject work to understand study human exposure to animal coronaviruses, including the sampling, serology, and questionnaires administered after acute illness.”

What the U.S. government doesn’t reveal is the Institute of Pathogen Biology’s deep connections with the People’s Liberation Army and who may be the link between NIH funding and China’s military research program.

Yuxian He from the Institute of Pathogen Biology is not only a long-time collaborator with the People’s Liberation Army, but he was trained in the United States, funded by Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, and he was a key member of a team of Chinese military scientists, who conducted experiments that eventually led to the creation of the COVID-19 virus.

In a single July 2020 scientific publication studying the effect of COVID-19 vaccines, Yuxian He is a co-author with 20 People’s Liberation Army scientists and 3 others, Shibo Jiang, Yusen Zhou and Cheng-Feng Qin, all believed to be high-ranking participants in China’s biowarfare program.

This is just one example of the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars that continue to be “laundered” through U.S. research institutions, which are directly or indirectly supporting China’s fused military/civilian research and development program.

There is absolutely nothing more treasonous than this. Our legislators should stop concentrating on the male-identifying female types of things; we have a much greater issue that requires an immediate investigation into the National Institutes of Health.

H/T: Independent Minute, TheGatewayPundit, JudicialWatch 

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