Attorney General Bill Barr resigned President Trump-General-Bill-Barr-Resigns-Trump

AG Barr is Done…He’s TOAST

Attorney General Bill Barr resigned on Monday. The news came in a surprise tweet from President Trump who claimed Barr did an “excellent job” but would be spending the holidays with his family. President Trump has criticized Barr’s handling of the voter fraud investigations, among other things.

Attorney General Bill Barr resigns

On Monday, President Trump tweeted that Attorney General Bill Barr would be leaving office before the end of the month. “Just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Bill Barr at the White House. Our relationship has been a very good one, he has done an outstanding job!” Trump tweeted. “As per letter, Bill will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family.”

In a second tweet, Trump added: “Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen, an outstanding person, will become Acting Attorney General. Highly respected Richard Donoghue will be taking over the duties of Deputy Attorney General. Thank you to all!”

Earlier this month, Barr said the Justice Department had not yet found widespread evidence of voter fraud.

President Trump has been critical on both the Department of Justice and the FBI during the voter fraud investigation.

“You would think if you’re in the FBI or Department of Justice, this is the biggest thing you could be looking at. Where are they? I’ve not seen anything. They just keep moving along and they go on to the next president,” President Trump said in a recent interview with Fox News. “They lied to Congress, they lied, they leaked, they spied on our campaign,” he added, referencing the Russia investigation.

Jeff Rosen named Attorney General

President Trump is clearly fed up with Bill Barr and the DOJ. Barr’s resignation comes just days after Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden confirmed he was under federal investigation for his “tax affairs.” President Trump blasted AG Barr for hiding the Hunter Biden investigation until after the election. It seems President Trump has the entire deep state working against him.

Days before Barr’s resignation Trump tweeted, “Why didn’t Bill Barr reveal the truth to the public, before the Election, about Hunter Biden. Joe was lying on the debate stage that nothing was wrong, or going on – Press confirmed. Big disadvantage for Republicans at the polls!”

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