National Guard

Emergency Curfew in Effect, National Guard Deployed

An emergency curfew is in effect for a second night in a row as Kenosha, Wisconsin descends into Anarchy. On Sunday, police shot a black man in the back after he refused to obey commands. The mob howled for blood and proceeded to burn as much of the city as they could get their hands on. Black Lives Matter anarchists battled police with explosives, rocks, bricks and Molotov cocktails. The National Guard has been called in and should be deployed before the sun goes down.

National Guard deployed in Kenosha

Police in Kenosha Wisconsin, battled an outraged crowd of Black Lives Matter anarchists for most of Sunday night as sections of the city, including a car dealership, went up in flames. The National Guard arrived at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, and they’re expected to keep the crowd controlled enough to prevent a second night of openly declared urban warfare.

Around 5 p.m. on Sunday, police were dispatched to investigate a domestic incident. When they arrived, they encountered 29-year-old Jacob Blake. Unconfirmed reports relate that he may have been armed with a knife. A video, shot with a cell phone from across the street shows one perspective of what happened next.

Nobody disputes that Blake was not cooperating with the commands that officers were giving him at all. He believes what he’s been told by his television so felt free to ignore the police and do as he pleased. After he ignored their shouted warnings and proceeded to open his vehicle door and reach inside, he was shot as many as seven times in the back. An investigation will be conducted but the angry mob decided to take justice into their own hands. The National Guard will be on hand Monday night to insure they don’t do it again. That is if the liberal Governor lets them do their job.

Only a matter of minutes

It was only a matter of minutes after the incident when the video was aired, and a mob started forming at the shooting scene. “Tensions quickly rose as more police officers arrived in riot gear.” That’s about when one of the officers was struck in the head with a brick and rendered unconscious. His condition remains unknown at this time. The National Guard wasn’t on hand to protect him.

After that, a full fledged riot broke out and lasted the rest of the night. The events that followed are exactly why the National Guard was called in for additional security. The out of control mob did extensive damage to the County Public Safety Building and tried to set it on fire. Local news reports, “the rampaging mob set cars on fire, smashed windows and clashed with officers in riot gear.” They “smashed police cars” and “threw explosive devices at officers.”

Without having the National Guard for backup, the only thing officials could do was declare a state of emergency, and issue an “overnight curfew” which was totally ignored. Armed robberies and “shots fired” calls prompted a warning for merchants to avoid the area. Around midnight, police reinforcements arrived “with riot gear and armed with rubber bullets, and eventually sprayed tear gas at the crowd. Some protesters targeted garbage trucks that had been parked to block traffic, shattering the truck’s windows and setting them ablaze.”

That’s about when “the crowds moved toward the courthouse, and someone set a fire outside the building.” Police “put out the fire and launched more tear gas. Another live stream recorded people breaking into a nearby government building and shattering the glass doors and windows from the inside.” They chased them out around 1:00 a.m. with more tear gas and a riot line. That only pushed them back a little. “After 2 a.m., someone set fire to a car outside a dealership. By 2:40 a.m., smoke billowed toward the sky as car after car burst into flames. An hour later, the fire continued to spread, threatening to burn a church behind the dealership.” Hopefully, the National Guard will be allowed to keep things like that happening again tonight but in these strange times nobody can be certain of anything related to the actual enforcement of laws.

  1. I hope by the actions taken by radial BLM and Antifa, and those who agree with them that voters will GO TO THE POLLS, and vote those in charge of democrat-socialist states OUT of office. Elect conservative leaders, who are on the side of law and order. Restore these cities, and remove those currently running them. For those causing all the mayhem, perhaps it’s time to send their arses to Guantanamo Bay. They are traitors to the United States and deserve NO rights to live here. To Mark…great job at reporting this for your readers!

  2. If they are committing anarchy, rioting, burning, looting, destruction of private property and threatening innocent Americans then deadly force is proper to maintain law and order and to protect people. These people are crazed and should be put down if this is their intent. If the Democrats continue to support this mayhem they too should be held responsible and removed from office if they are guilty!

  3. when ////if ever are they going to
    learn they very much need to learn respect.self respect first.thank God for the national guard.water hose and pepper spray,shoild teach them a thing or 2.

  4. Now when in war the REA, no one is allowed to shoot the enemy in the back, if they are running away, even if they had previously shot at you and tried to kill you, but in this USA a policeman is allowed to shoot an unarmed person in the back just because the person is not obeying what the police have instructed them to do.
    Now when you have a extremely rich person a Dupont shoot his wrestling coach, in his driveway of his mansion, in front of multiple law enforcement officers both local and Federal and just walk back in his house and no break inn of any kind to arrest him was ever issued, it took 3 days of negotiation with the DuPont lawyer before DuPont came out and was held in a luxury hotel, until his trial where he was found mentally unfit and was held in luxury setting until his death .

    1. NOT relevant to the discussion..

      From what you wrote, I got, some guy drove by in a ford, and it’s the Datsuns fault….

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