
Accused Pervert ‘Tucked Away’ in New Hampshire

The residents of Bradford, New Hampshire had no idea that a high profile pervert was tucked away in their pine and oak forests. Last December, a luxury timber framed home on 156 acres with “dramatic views of Mount Sunapee’s foothills” was purchased by none other than the infamous Ghislaine Maxwell.

A great place for a pervert to hide out

The New Hampshire community is a perfect place for any pervert wanting to hide away in style. Even though the locals are obsessively “tight-knit” and know every detail of their neighbor’s lives, Maxwell’s hideaway was secluded and she stayed out of town. Looks like she wasn’t lurking in the secret submarine base under Jeffrey Epstein’s island after all.

“I had no clue she was there,” Laurie Colburn exclaimed as FBI agents swooped into her rural corner of the New England town, famous for white colonial homes, horse farms, and stone walls. “Goes to show you, you don’t always know who your neighbors are.” The pervert didn’t rub elbows with the locals. At the farm market on Bradford’s main street, Jenna Cook declares, “I’m surprised, because this is a small, quiet town. But I guess that makes it a good place to hide.”

On Thursday, the feds were determined to arrest the pervert “on charges she lured underage girls for the late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse,” Reuters reports.

Tucked away in luxury

If you’re a pervert hiding from the law, it helps to have lots of money. For Ghislaine Maxwell that does not seem to be a problem. A whole lot of powerful people want to keep her happy and comfortable enough to not mention their names in nasty places. Places like FBI interview rooms or courtrooms. She’s accused of providing the girls for the badger game she was running with Epstein. They allegedly were blackmailing world leaders as they sexually frolicked with underage girls.

A helpful officer of the local police gave the reporter for Reuters directions to the pervert’s palace. The clues led to “a narrow and treed-in half-mile dirt driveway with ‘No Trespassing’ signs, obstructed by a padlocked metal fence.” According to the real estate listings, “the house has cathedral ceilings, a floor-to-ceiling fieldstone fireplace, and a ‘wall of glass’ overlooking New Hampshire’s hills.” It also has a fashionably fractured stone near the gate with the inscription “Tucked Away” chiseled on it’s face. The property sold for a cool $1 million “in cash.”


The FBI had no problem tracking the pervert down “She had slithered away to a gorgeous property in New Hampshire, continuing to live a life of privilege while her victims look at the trauma inflicted on upon them years ago,” scolded assistant FBI director for New York William Sweeney.

Maxwell fully cooperated with agents when they showed up at her gate to take her into custody. She wont say a word and it probably won’t be long before she’s back in front of her floor-to-ceiling fieldstone fireplace, because she has some amazingly competent lawyers. The day before she was arrested, a federal judge in a totally separate case ordered all the evidence against the pervert to be destroyed. The order might just stick too.

  1. Now the big question is who will protect Maxwell and where will they hide her to keep her alive, while she gives up all her secrets on rich and powerful perverts? I wouldn’t trust the Marshall’s Service, as there are far too many leaks in the Deep State riddled Justice Department. The President needs to step up and insert himself into this case. Direct the Attorney General to appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate and prosecute anyone and everyone who committed crimes. He also needs to direct the Secret Service, the premier protection agency to take charge of her safety. If handled right, the President could get rid of many of his opponents based on what Maxwell has to say. Under the current process, Maxwell will not live long enough to be interviewed, much less testify.

  2. President Trump or someone very high up had better let the pertinent authorities know that this woman must be protected from ‘harming herself’ or from anyone else harming her. We still have a chance for justice with the Jeffrey Epstein case and the pedos he supplied girls for.

    We cannot have some guards who just happen to leave her alone for six hours, for her to ‘commit suicide’. Anyone responsible for the safety of this woman who is negligent in that duty should be criminally liable and subject to no less than 40 years in prison.

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