According to the Washington State Department of Health, the COVID-19 outbreak has already started. We might be looking at “untracked, undetected transmission in the state.” It’s been happening for the past six weeks. The best guess is that there are “a few hundred infections in the state.” Meanwhile, neighboring California is scrambling to locate everyone who may already be exposed without knowing it.
A ‘substantial’ undetected outbreak already started
According to Travis Bedford with the Washington State Department of Health, a test run on a local teenager that came back positive, “strongly suggests” the “untracked, undetected transmission in the state for six weeks,” he tweeted. “I believe we’re facing an already substantial outbreak in Washington state that was not detected until now due to narrow case definition requiring direct travel to China.” The original criteria to even test for the engineered 2019-nCoV coronavirus was connections to “Chinese travel.” That’s not nearly good enough. An outbreak has already started. Now, health officials are trying to track down “anyone who came into contact with confirmed cases.” That means, “There could be hundreds or thousands of unreported carriers, some with multiple degrees of separation from those that have been confirmed.” At least 8,400 people who just got back from Asia are being monitored in California for the coronavirus.
People who had no connection at all with China have died. That means what we are seeing is undetected “community spread,” one of the key components for a virus “pandemic.” Because the bioweapon was engineered to spread before people even know they are infected, it has already escaped into the community in the Pacific Northwest. It may be free in the wilds of Texas and New York as well.
Carriers don’t show sypmptoms
Bela Matyas, a health officer for Solano County, California, explains, “there are people without symptoms who carry the virus. At San Francisco airport, tens of thousands of people have returned and been allowed back in the community. It could be a lot of people. The task of estimation is just getting started. It could be hundreds of people who have it,” he said. Just in “the Bay Area alone.” The good news is that unless you are old, very young, or already have compromised health, you’ll probably survive. “Most people infected will likely suffer mild, flu-like symptoms from the virus, which has an estimated mortality rate of 2 percent.” In Solano county alone, “95 hospital and ambulance workers who came into contact with” the woman who became the first fatality on American soil “have been quarantined.” Added to that are around 50 EMT first responders from Fire Station 21 who worked with patients in the Life Care Center, in Kirkland.
The Solano County case involves a woman who was treated for symptoms but not tested because she hadn’t been near anyone who had traveled to China. After several days, she did test positive. That led to 124 health care workers at UC Davis Medical Center getting a two week vacation in quarantine, at the time when they are needed the most. Fasten your seat belts, because we’re in for a wild ride.